Monday, November 8, 2010

Coloma Hike

About a month ago my friend Kappie and I started going on Tuesday day hikes. One of the first places we went was Coloma. It was so nice to get out of the city but not have to drive that far. The weather was perfect and the babies (Sage and Asher) had so much fun.

I just could not catch them both facing the same way and looking at the camera. I know this is an on going battle that I will not win!!!

Asher and Sage ran around the monument at the top of the hill over and over again. They seemed to be playing tag but not quite sure they know the concept yet :)

After a nice picnic we played with the kids and relaxed before heading home.

Sage discovered pinecones...

11 Months

At 11 months we took Sage to her first Doctor's appointment. Of course we already knew that she was happy and healthy but wanted her to get a physical. Also we found the perfect doctor for us and needed to establish a relationship. It went so well and found out we were right all along... happy and healthy!

Weighing in at 17lbs 14oz... my petite little girl :)
*says "baby"
*loves hugging her baby or stuffed animals
*constantly puts on necklaces
*learning that there is more to the park then the swings

Fun With Donovan

One random weekend Donovan came for a visit. I think Laurie might have been sick so Johnny took Donovan out of the house. We were very excited to spend some time at the park since Sage had just started walking. They had fun on the swings...
Then Sage found this cool spinning thing

And Donovan was busy going down the slide...

He then realized that the spinny thing was very cool and wanted to take a ride...

Sage didn't like this idea and tried to push his face off...

Pumpkin Patch

We went to the best Pumpkin Patch ever this year! The place was huge and there was so much for kids to do. Since Sage is still a little too young for most of it, we thought about how great this place will be as she gets older and that it will be a great yearly tradition. We still had a wonderful time and there was plenty for Sage to do. Here we are taking a ride on the train.

Sage loved checking out all of the animals near the petting zoo. There were these really cute piglets but all of the pics we had taken were no good. It was the most popular spot with loads of kids. We did get a cool picture of this goat who seemed interested in Sage.

Instead of taking the hayride to the regular pumpkin patch, we decided to check out the BIG pumpkin patch. Sage liked the pumpkins but would rather play in the dirt. Since she had just started walking it was fun seeing her walk by these pumpkins that were huge and just as tall as her.

So glad that my favorite time of year is here... Fall! We enjoyed a caramel apple, fresh apple cider, and even brought home a delicious apple pie to share. What a fabulous day... I can't wait to do this every year!

Funny Girl

Sage has developed such a great personality. She cracks us up so much doing goofy little things :) The pics below are some of the funniness (don't think this is a word, but I like it!) I was able to capture...

So the Bumbo has been put away in her room for a few months since she has outgrown it, so I thought! Sage decided it was a new and exciting toy. I had it in her room behind the standing mirror in the corner. One day she was yelling for me and I found her sitting in it but stuck in this tight spot in her room. It was so funny I couldn't help but laugh at her. For now she likes to use it as a spot to sit and read her books and also a fun thing to get in and out of a million times in a row!

Sage loves loves loves dogs. Wherever we are if she sees a dog (or cat, horse, you name it) she starts screaming happily. The dog in the picture is my Dad's dog Bruno (Kaya's brother). I'm not sure how much he enjoyed her riding on him but he let her do it anyway.

Our little walker!!! Sage gave us the best gift of all on our wedding anniversary. Actually the day before, September 25th she officially became a walker. She took her first steps at exactly 9 months and then thought about it for about a month and a half. When she was ready there was no holding back.

I also like to call it the drunken walk; a little wobbly but so so cute :)

When the fridge is open Sage just gets right in to see what looks good to her. She is so funny about when she is hungry. She goes right over to her chair or fridge to let us know it is time to eat. So nice to have some sort of communication even if it is not verbal.

Sage's best friend of all is Kaya. She tells Kaya all of her secrets...

In exchange Kaya gives her a foot bath!!!

At home Sage tries very hard to grab the keyboard on top of the desk but isn't quite tall enough. While walking around my favorite thrift store one day Sage found the motherload!!! She was in heaven and could have stayed there for hours if I let her. I literally had to pull her away and I can tell you it wasn't the happiest scene.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Are You Going Blonde???

So Sage now has strawberry blonde hair and it is only getting lighter. It is crazy how dark her hair was at birth and how light it is now. I am wondering if it is going to go all the way blonde or if this is only because of the summer. Since I didn't have hair until the age of two, I can only assume that Sage is taking after James in this department. From pictures I have seen of James as a baby, I noticed that he was born with dark hair but by the time he was two he had blonde hair. Guess we will just have to wait and see. Here are pictures of Sage showing off her hair...

Friday, September 17, 2010

10 Months

Sage is now 10 months old and weighs about 18lbs. At 9 months and one day she took her first three steps and has been practicing ever since. She takes about 2-3 steps and that is it. She loves to walk while pushing her little toy outside on the sidewalk and walk around inside holding onto the furniture. I am sure she will take off soon enough but I am enjoying not having to chase her yet :)

Sage loves to help her Daddy with the dishes. Her job is to take all of the silverware back out after Daddy puts it in the dishwasher. Sage knows the sound of the dishwasher being opened and will come crawling as fast as she can from any room to help. I say help but she makes just a little more work for Daddy. Yes, James does most of the dishes around here!!!

Last Giants game. How wonderful it was that we were invited to go to tons of games with Grandpa and Grandma Pizzo this season. We had so much fun spending time driving to SF, going to Momo's (delicious!), and watching the game. Sage was so great at all of them and we can't wait till next season...

Sage pretty much eats everything (except meat!) and loves it. In the first picture she decided that she needed her own dessert before bed so here she is eating graham sticks and grapes. In the next picture Sage was eating but mostly smearing blackberries and strawberries all over herself. She just cracked up thinking it was the funniest thing to make such a mess! I pretty much threw her into the tub after that.

Sage has two teeth so far. Her 1st tooth came in as a surprise at 7 months. I just happened to stick my finger in and there was a tooth on the bottom! Her 2nd tooth came in right next to the 1st about two months later. The 2nd tooth had such trouble breaking through the gums that we had many sleepless nights. I decided after that that I had to buy the amber neckalce that a ton of Moms rave about. It is supposed to help with tooth pain and growing pains. It took two weeks to receive and no new teeth have popped up since so we are just waiting to see. You can see in the picture below her two beautiful teeth...

We live in a Sacramento neighborhood called Tahoe Park and love it so very much! One of the greatest things is our own little street. On our street alone there are like 10+ kids between 0-2 years old. And more to come... pregancies are contagous over here! The pictures below show Sage with some of her friends from our street at the annual Tahoe Park's Concert in the Park. This was last weekend and was so fun having a small potluck and hanging out with the neighbors.

This picture is so cute I just had to include it. I think Sage looks just like a doll...

After laundry is folded and the basket is empty, Sage loves going for rides...

For the last few weeks this pink car has been her favorite thing to ride around on. About a week ago I was doing something on the porch and I realized Sage was in the car ready to go. I had no idea she even knew how to get in on her own. What a smart cookie!

One of her favorite spots to sit in the house is right next to the fireplace on the hearth. I keep thinking about what we will do in the winter when we turn the fire on. It scares me to think that she might burn herself. Hopefully she learns what hot means without getting hurt. I am already thinking of trying to put some sort of barrier there. Well for now she loves her little spot...

The park used to mean walking around in the stroller watching the kids. Then it was swinging in the swing. Then it was walking on the ground with help. Now Sage goes straight for the wood chips. She is so fascinated with them. She will examine them so intently and also make a pile on the sidewalk. There is so much more to do at the park and I am very excited to watch her grow and realize the other things. But for now the wood chips are very important :)

A few more things... Sage can say mama, dada, doggy, and cat. She is a chatter box and is always talking but I can't understand most of it! I like to call her "my little petite girl" because she is tiny but is so cute :) Oh how my heart is full of so much love!!!