Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Happy Easter!

Easter at our house was just like any other day. We spent the early part of the day working around the yard. Then we went out to our favorite neighborhood brewery for a late brunch. It was a nice and relaxing day. I dressed up Sage in her cute dress and bunny slippers for the occasion.

In the morning I searched everywhere for this little pink Easter bunny my Grandma sent from N.C. I put it on the changing table for Sage to play with a few weeks prior and had the idea of taking cute pictures on Easter. I even looked outside thinking the dogs might have gotten it. I finally had to give up and realize that the only place it must have gone was in the dirty diaper pail that was sent out the week prior. I know, gross right!? My parents bought Sage a bunch of toys recently and the bunny in the carrot car was going to have to do.

Sage is sitting in her cool new chair for outside. James and Sage were sitting there watching me making dinner. I know it is too big and she is kind of slouched in it, but doesn't she look like such a big girl?

At the end of the night I got down on the floor with Sage and started playing with her hair. She let me play with it for a while and then got a little cranky. I am trying to get her used to me doing her hair so that in the future it won't be a hassle trying to. I love that she has so much hair that I can put it in a pony. The picture below is a little dark but she does have a ponytail there.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter. I can't wait until next year when Sage will be old enough to help dye eggs and hunt for them. HAPPY EASTER!!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Sage and Kat

My cousin Joel and his wife Ana recently bought a house... Woohoo!!! So we went over to help them paint their new house and pack. This also gave Sage a chance to hang out with her cousin Katarina.

Sage has sleepy eyes on our way over to help

Here they are sharing Sage's toys

Katarina wants to play like a big girl but Sage is not quite up to her level...

Katarina gives Sage kisses...