Friday, December 18, 2009


December 13th- Sage is now one month old! We can't believe how fast the month went by. Guess it doesn't help that we are also busy with the holiday season. Sage has been such a wonderful addition to our family. We feel so honored to be her parents.

Sage loves to smile and seems to focus on objects now. She is always looking around and is very interested in the pictures on the walls and the ceiling fans in the rooms. We think that she also might notice the dogs but not sure. And sometimes we find her sucking on her thumb. She was weighed recently at 10lbs 8oz. She is a big and healthy baby :)

In deep thought!

Looking up at the ceiling fan like usual

Doing her leg kicks

We recently got out her mat and toys to see how she would like them. She wasn't the only one! Kaya has been very interested in Sage and now wants to play with her. We have to always tell her to stop giving her kisses! They are probably going to be best buddies.

Sage has a very strong neck and this picture shows her lifting her head while on her tummy. It only happened once and was lucky to capture the moment...

Looking into the mirror

49er Game in Fairfield

James had one last weekend off for the year a few weekends ago. We made the most of it and took a trip to Fairfield to watch the 49er game and hang out with the family. Here are some really good pics of the days events...

After walking the dogs down to the creek with Grandpa and Grandma Pizzo

Rooting for the 49ers with Daddy

Making silly faces at the camera

Hanging out with cousin Donovan

Taking a nap on Uncle John while James plays with Donovan...

Happy Birthday Grandpa!

A few weekends ago (Dec. 5th) was Melissa's Dad's birthday. The weather wasn't too bad so we had a BBQ for him over at our house. James cooked some delicious chicken and sausage. It was a great time spending with family and eating yummy food. We feel very lucky that we are able have family get togethers often. Happy Birthday Grandpa Wittsell!!!

Here is Sage giving her Grandpa a big birthday hug! She also gave him a great gift- a picture of the two of them together.

Singing "happy birthday" and blowing out the candles.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

This year for Thanksgiving we spent the early part of the day in Fairfield so Sage could meet her Great Grandma Rosalie. James had to work at 2am!!! the next day, black friday, so we had to get home early so he could get some sleep. We had a very nice and quiet time spending the day with John, Gail, and Rosalie. John made dinner which, like always, was the most delicious :) In the first picture Sage has on her Thanksgiving outfit which did not last very long. It was the first time she had an explosion that came out of her diaper. Oh well, at least we were able to snap a few photos before it happened.

Sage meeting her Great Grandma Rosalie

Family Picture (Sage was interested in something else though)

Sage looking at her Momma

Rosalie held Sage sleeping for over an hour! She enjoyed every moment with her and did not want to let her go. We kept asking just in case her arms were gettting tired, but nope, she refused to give up such a special time with her.

Sage was so very comfortable

Finally!!! Grandma Gail spent some time with Sage

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Cousin Donovan Comes to Visit

The first week we were home from the hospital, Sage's cousin Donovan came over for a special visit. The day was filled with some crying, eating, and stinky diaper changes :) Donovan and Sage are only 5 1/2 months apart. They are going to grow up together and be the best of friends. We captured some really great pictures of them...

Are you trying to kiss me or eat me!!! (I am going with kiss, of course!)

Mommy help me!!!

Let me investigate this thing

Okay I approve :)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Sage Meets Friends and Family

Our family feels very loved. We had tons of visitors at the hospital and at home. It was so nice having all of our loved ones come to our house to help out with cleaning, doing laundry, making meals, and bringing prepared meals to us. We cannot thank each and every one of you enough for the love and support. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Here are the pictures of everybody meeting Sage...

Aunt Danielle

Grandpa Pizzo

Grandma Pizzo

Grandpa Wittsell

Grandma Wittsell

Uncle John and Cousin Donovan

Aunt Laurie

Carol and Vivien Rose

Great Aunt Alice

Cousins Joel, Ana, and Katarina

Cousin Dan


Cousin Kim

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Daddy's Girl

James and Sage get lots of naptime together. They have already formed such a special bond. James was able to take all week off of work, but now it is Sunday and time to go back tomorrow. I'm sure he will miss getting to take naps during the day. Here are some really cute pictures of them sleeping...

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Sage is 1 Week Old!

Sage is already one week old. Time is going to fly by and we are trying to soak up each moment. Sage seems to be such a big girl already. She is able to hold her head up and she is very alert. I guess that extra time in the womb really gave her an advantage :)

What an expression. Sage makes so many funny faces.

She might be going to the bathroom here :)

Sleeping and so adorable!

We took her for a short walk to celebrate her 1 week

Friday, November 20, 2009

Homebirth to Cesarean

After being more than two weeks late, and exhausting all natural ways of induction, our midwives Claudia and Jen advised us that it was now time to go to the hospital. They wanted to transfer care before the situation became urgent. The baby was still doing fine and we had two ultrasounds and non-stress tests done every other day showing that nothing was wrong. We decided to go to Sutter in Davis on Thursday, Nov 12th. We arrived with Claudia and Jen around 9:30 in the morning. I was given Cytotec to ripen my cervix. The medicine gave me back to back contractions and I became 3cm dialated. After that I was put on Pitocin which mimicked the back to back contractions making them stronger and harder. In the middle of the night we decided to stop the Pitocin to get some rest since I was still having no breaks between contractions and the goal was to get them to be more normal. Our midwives left the room and found a place to sleep in the hospital waiting room. I think sometime early morning I was 4cm dialated. Not sure when this occured (I was getting more and more out of it). In the morning they started up the Pitocin again. The contractions were now managable with breaks between them. The nurse kept upping the dose of Pitocin making the contractions really strong and hard. I was getting to the point where I felt like I couldn't take it anymore. I was checked and was still at 4cm :( I felt like I was working so hard and that I had to be more than 4cm! At this point I really felt like I couldn't do it and finally gave in and asked for an Epidural, I think around 4 or 5pm. The doctor came in after a while and checked me; I had made no progress. She then said that I needed to have a Cesarean. I was devastated! I cried and cried. My birth plan changed so much I was feeling like I couldn't wrap my head around what was going on. We asked to have some time to discuss with our midwives. Claudia knew that I was really upset and asked if it would help if she checked me. I said yes right away. She checked me and sadly said that it was the right thing to do. The baby was in the wrong position (larger part of head trying to come out and face up) and I was only at 4cm. I was then prepped for the operation. I have to add in here that the baby was never in danger during this whole process. Her heart rate was always within the normal range. After all is said and done, I am just so greatful that our baby and myself are safe and healthy. Sage Rosalie Pizzo arrived at 7:35pm and was 18 days late!!!

In the beginning

Sitting on the birthing ball and breathing through each contraction

Using the birthing tub to ease the pain

(James did not take any pics in the OR. So this is when the Cesarean occured)

She latched on instantly

Out at last. This picture makes me think of how much I was poked and prodded.

First picture captured of James with Sage, even though he held her right after she was born and never let go until he gave her to me

Our Family!

What an adventure we have had. I feel that with everything that happened, James and I grew so much closer. I don't regret any of the events that took place, and feel that everything happens for a reason. I also wouldn't take back the two days of labor prior to the Cesarean. I feel like I worked my butt off and it was impowering knowing how much strength I have. Of course recovery is a little different with having an operation. I did have a good amount of pain but it is all worth it in the end. What a beautiful baby we made together!