Monday, January 25, 2010

Christmas Dinner

For Christmas dinner we went to my Dad's house to celebrate. I thought last year was hard trying to stretch between two families, but this year was even more difficult with a baby! There was a lot of traveling but well worth it in the end.

These first pictures are of us opening presents and enjoying the family. My cousin Heather has two kids, Keira and Jacob who kept everybody very entertained. They were dancing around and having a great time. It is so nice to have kids around to keep the excitement in the air.

Once dinner was ready, Sage was fast asleep and looking very cute in her Christmas dress.

Here is most of the family sitting down for Christmas dinner. The people missing would be James, my Sister, and myself. We were sitting at the end of the table and just didn't make it in the picture:( From left to right: Jean Ann, Grandma Haley, Jeremy, Heather, Jacob, Uncle Ken, Aunt Vickie, Keira, Gabby, and my Dad.

Here is a cute picture of my Grandma Haley and her best friend Jean Ann. They have been friends for more than 30 years!!! The two of them and Jean Ann's granddaughter flew to California from North Carolina. We don't get to see our Grandma very often so it was so nice to spend the holidays with her. And Sage getting to spend her first Christmas meeting her Great Grandma :)

Mmmm Cookies! After dinner I set up a table for decorating cookies. I made tree and stocking cookies and the frosting for the kids to have something fun to do. Here is Keira having a great time frosting and eating the cookies. Jacob (not pictured) was so funny. He had frosting and sprinkles all over his face.

While most of the family was frosting cookies or Skyping Uncle Doug in Texas, James and Sage were doing what they do best... Sleeping!

At the end of the night we tried to take some pictures by the tree. Boy was that hard to do! When kids are involved you just have to be happy to have them all in the picture, even if they are crying or not looking at the camera. Here is our attempt: Heather, Keira, Danielle, Jacob, Sage, and Me...

Then the kids were acting super silly. I am pretty sure they had to many cookies!

After everybody left we were able to get a few pretty good pictures. Sage was getting super tired and started crying and eventually fell asleep. Considering all of the chaos happening through the Christmas Eve party to Christmas dinner, I'd have to say that she handled it really well. Thank you Sage for being a great baby :)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Christmas Morning

Christmas morning was an early one! In order for all of us to get together we had to wake up extra early before going to other family events. It was so great being able to spend the babies first Christmas together. Even though they were all born in 2009, they are so far from each other when it comes to development. It is amazing! Cassidy walks or shall I say runs, Donovan sits up and is on the brink of crawling, and Sage, um... holds her head up. They will soon seem closer in age, but right now it seems like such a difference. How amazing it was to have them all together. We have all been very blessed this year (2009)!

The three babies wide-eyed and ready to open presents!

Sage, with help from Daddy, opens her favorite present
ever from her cousin Donovan. He knew exactly what to get her.

Cassidy ripping open one of her gifts. I love this picture with
the fire in the background and all of the presents under the tree.

Donovan tears the wrapping off one of his presents with excitement

Delighted to have all of these new clothes to throw all over!

Here is Sage with her Uncle Aaron. Look how big his
hand is compared to her! Before this picture was taken he took
her away for a little one on one talk from Uncle to niece.
I am sure he was giving her great advice and telling her wise things :)

Christmas Eve

At the Christmas Eve party Sage was able to meet more family. The party was so much fun and Sage was great with everybody holding her. She also somehow slept through all of the comotion during the gift exchange. She was in the middle of the room sleeping on her Daddy while people were loudly laughing and having a good time. She is already taking after her Daddy by being able to sleep in any situation!

Here she is "finally" getting to meet her Aunt Joanne.
What a wonderful time getting to see her cousin
Cassiday and Uncle Aaron as well (no pictures captured).

Here is Sage with her Great Aunt Joyce. She is so wonderful
and threw such an amazing party for all of us. Thank you Auntie Joyce!!!

Amy is so happy holding her newest cousin!

Uncle Dave and Sage

Aunt Gwen and Sage looking so cuddly


*Great Grandma Rosalie
*Grandpa John
*Daddy James
*Baby Sage

The party was a blast and here are a bunch
of random pictures showing just how much fun...

Victoria and Alana hanging out with John and Donovan

James, Kim, Anthony, and Amy

Amy putting a silly hat on Cassidy :)

All smiles here with Great Grandma and Donovan

Christmas Family Photos

At the Christmas party we took some really good pictures of the family...

Our Family

The Whole Gang

The girls with the babies

The guys with the babies

Johnny, Laurie and Donovan

Joanne, Aaron and Cassidy

Grandpa John and Grandma Gail with Sage
(how cute!)

Meeting Santa

Sage was so lucky to meet Santa at such a young age. My old boss from the school has her dad dress up as Santa every year, so it wasn't like going to the mall not knowing where the Santa has been. Which I would not have done at this age anyway. They were so nice and gave us the specail treatment by making sure Sage was the first and no other kids had sat on his lap yet.

The pictures turned out great. I'm sure if we try next year, it might not be the same. Sage seemed to not mind this stranger holding her...

Here is Sage and Vivien together with Santa. Vivien comes over often to help out with Sage. She is only six but such a great little helper. The last time she was here she helped a little inside but was more interested in helping James outside. She helped him clean up the back yard and garden area. I wish I would have grabbed the camera to capture them pushing the mower. We just have the manual kind that takes a lot of muscle and it was the funniest thing watching her try to do it. She was so determined and it was the cutest. Anyway here is the picture, but Sage seems to have gotten bored and is interested in something else.